[foreigner only] [Jeonju] Hanboknam Hanbok Rental

Traditional Hanbok 4 hours

sales price



Traditional Hanbok Rental (4 hours)
Individual Locker

Daenggi / Gat / Bag : 2,000 won
Corsage / Uhwudong Hat / Baesi Daenggi : 3,000 won
Shoes : 5,000 won
※ You can purchase on site.

    0 KRW (0.2%)

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Minimum order quantity : 1


This product can be used immediately after purchase.

The voucher is valid only on the specified date and time.

For Refunds, they are only allowed up to 2 days prior to the reservation date in the voucher and are not allowed afterwards.

Refunds are only possible if you cancel your reservation before using the voucher

<span style="font-weight: bold;">How to use</span><p>1. Purchase the desired product.</p><p><span style='font-size: 0.8125rem;'>2. Check mobile voucher or email voucher.</span></p><p>3. Visit the place freely within 90 days of purchase.</p><p>4. Present the voucher at the ticket counter, <span style='font-size: 0.75rem;'>leave your ID card and get a key.</span></p><p>5. Place your belongs in the lockers, and get changed into Hanbok.</p><span style="font-weight: bold;">How to go</span><p><img src='https://dsj1e5gc359pm.cloudfront.net/uploads/products/224/additional/57a146b2-KakaoTalk_20231122_144234524_01.jpg' style='width: 674px;'><br></p><p><img src='https://res.klook.com/images/fl_lossy.progressive,q_65/c_fill,w_1295,h_862/w_80,x_15,y_15,g_south_west,l_Klook_water_br_trans_yhcmh3/activities/ksqbvz5t37iruyvkqxtv/%ED%95%9C%EB%B3%B5%EB%82%A8%ED%95%9C%EB%B3%B5%EB%8C%80%EC%97%AC%EC%84%9C%EB%B9%84%EC%8A%A4(%EC%A0%84%EC%A3%BC%ED%95%9C%EC%98%A5%EB%A7%88%EC%9D%84%EC%A0%90).webp' alt='hanboknam' style='width: 674px;'></p><p>• Find a store called 'Chunam' where a waterwheel is running at the waterwheel intersection, the center of Jeonju Hanok Village. → It is on the 1st floor of the building next to Chunam.<br></p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Notice</span><p>1. Choosing the time of Hanbok is 30 minutes. If the times exceeds, the exceeding time will be included in the rental hours.</p><p>2. You can try on Hanbok up to two times.</p><p>3. If the rental time exceeds, additional charges will be incurred as follows.</p><p>- Traditional Hanbok: 1,000 KRW per 10 minutes (1 person)</p><p>- Themed Hanbok: 2,000 KRW per 10 minutes (1 person)</p><p>4. If the Hanbok is damaged or polluted, an extra charge may be incurred. Please be careful.</p><p>5. Hanbok size is available from [44 ~ 99] for women and from [90 ~ 115] for men.</p><p>6. Traditional Hanbok are different from Themed Hanbok! Please be careful when choosing hanbok!</p><p>- Traditional Hanbok: Basic and primary colored design</p><p>- Themed Hanbok: A splendid and varied design</p><p>7. You must bring your ID card with you.</p><p>8. If you booked 1 Day Rental, you must return Hanbok and accessories before the closing of the shop.</p><p>9. <span style='font-size: 0.8125rem;'>Sizes for Hanbok are prepared from 12 months old infants. </span></p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Refund Policy</span><p>100% Refund for Unused Tickets</p><p>- Unused tickets within the expiry date are 100% refundable.</p>

The product you receive may vary from the image provided.

It cannot be used in conjunction with other events/promotions/coupons.

Once the order is confirmed, the voucher will be sent to you as SMS or an e-mail.

If you haven't received the confirmed voucher, please check the spam mailbox or contact the customer center.

REDTABLE Customer Center: 02-6964-7958 (Business hours Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. / Closed on legal holidays) *For orders/bookings, please contact REDTABLE.

Please present a mobile voucher or printed voucher.