- Order
- Payment
- Use
- Change
- Cancellation·Refund
- Q. [Change] I would like to use the purchased product on a different date other than on the scheduled date of visit.
- Q. [Cancellation·Refund] How can I cancel my order?
- Q. [Cancellation·Refund] I am curious about the cancellation/refund policy.
- Q. [Change] Due to COVID-19, I cannot use it on the scheduled date.
- Q. [Change] I could not use the voucher on the reservation date due to the store's circumstances.
- Q. [Change] Can I change or cancel my reservation on the date of the arrival?
- Q. [Order] How do I check the order details?
- Q. [Use] How do I use the order at the store?
- Q. [Use] When using the order, I would like to use the difference when I revisit after using only a part of the amount.
- Q. [Use] When using the order, can I use it even if the reservation name and the actual user's name are different?
- Q. [Use] When I use the order, I would like to order the product for take-away rather than for here.
- Q. [Use] When I use the order, can I cash in the purchased product?
- Q. [Use] If the actual amount used is less than the amount of the gift certificate, can I get a cash refund?
- Q. [Payment] When paying, I cannot unselect the payment method(credit card, overseas issued credit card).
- Q. [Order] I cannot select the desired date of visit when ordering.